

I'm stranded with telephone and TV news. In serious DT's. Just came up to Border's to email students comments on their final papers.

Any man worth his salt should be able to pack a trunk, kill a bug, and fix the DSL.

OK, that's just the addiction talking.

I need an iPhone.


Anonymous said...

Yea, you do. Those things are so hard to work though...

Collin Kelley said...

No...DSL...gulp. I get the shakes just thinking about not having DSL.

Anonymous said...

I am technically challenged, not usually interested in new tech stuff (nephews have a big laugh every time I take out my cell phone), but was at meeting last week and one of my co-workers had an iPhone. I want one too, if only for getting directions and finding name/artist of song playing in restaurant. I think you should have an iPhone. Don't you have a bday coming up?

Adam said...

I'm commenting via iPhone right now. It's delightful.

Tania Rochelle said...

Kathy, I'm counting on that Elvis bracelet for my b-day. I should get an iPhone just because.

Harpy said...

T, I seriously almost emailed you this weekend, fearing something happened with the dog surgery. Thanks G-d it's just Biggy's lack of technological capability.

Anonymous said...

T, you know you would lose or break the Iphone within a week of purchase.

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Writer, teacher, student, mom.

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