
She's Back

Tonight at Publix. Variation on a theme.


Blue said...

I'm seriously laughing out loud as I am typing this.

ga said...

Ew and in the produce section. Gross.

Kathy said...

Amazing. Aren't you usually freezing in the grocery store? I always have to bring a long sleeved T or sweater. But I also don't have cute work out clothes like that to wear.

Tania Rochelle said...

Trust me, she's cold.

Anonymous said...

Should we take up a collection to buy that poor woman some new workout togs?


Anonymous said...

Officially: Gross.

Unofficially: God Bless her confidence to be able to walk in wearing so little. I couldn't do it.

ButtonHole said...

ROFL! Priceless!

Montgomery Maxton said...

Collin Kelley has that same outfit.

Tania Rochelle said...

But Collin doesn't wear his to the grocery store.

Harpy said...

Isn't there a law against this?

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Writer, teacher, student, mom.

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