Gorgeous George turns 18 next Wednesday, and since we will be on our once-in-a-lifetime-whole-fam-damily trip to Costa Rica, where we have dreamed of taking the kids ever since we went there for our honeymoon so many years ago, and where I will most likely NOT have Internet access; and since she's being so predictably and stereotypically mean to me lately--what with getting ready to leave home and cut the apron strings; and what with my really and truly being her best friend in the world (something she seems to have forgotten), the person who shared my body with her for nine months and then held her 24/7 for the first six super-exhausting-nonstop-wailing months of her life, the one who knows her better than anyone else; and since I still love her, even when she's OTR and being a colossal biotch and saying the cruellest things she can pull from her evil arsenal--well, I believe a little Georgia-Kelly-Retrospective is in order. As I think of things--in no particular chronology--and find the pictures between now and our departure, I will post them.
First on the list, back when she was 8 and looked something like this:
GaGa LOVED this:
I hate you for posting the video because that song will be in my head for at least the rest of today, but I do love you (along with many other reasons) for having such wonderful kids. The picture of G brought back so many great memories. And I love that they've all grown up (or are growing up) so smart, sassy and funny.
Costa Rica? All of you? We're definitely going to need photos. And I might as well get this out of the way now, because I'm sure at some point it will need to be said...
I love Hanson and "Mmmbop" too! Those little boys were so cute; I just wanted to bite all of their pretty heads off! Costa Rica sounds fun! Yeah, make sure you take lots of pictures!
aaaahh, I forgot all about her love of Hanson. Priceless. Come to think of it, even as she approaches 18, her musical taste still ucksays. And T , let's just be grateful she's not going to be OTR in CR.
Georgia was the most easy going of the kids (jack being next). but when ga ga blew up she had a major explosion, with kicing the wall, screaming, etc. thank goodness it only happened every six month or so. she was such a beautiful little girl, and still is.
hey mamoo,she still explodes, only now the event is laced with expletives (and yes George, I recognize that's the pot calling the kettle black). but yes she has been, relatively, easy going.
I hate you for posting the video because that song will be in my head for at least the rest of today, but I do love you (along with many other reasons) for having such wonderful kids. The picture of G brought back so many great memories. And I love that they've all grown up (or are growing up) so smart, sassy and funny.
Happy BDay GA and Happy Vacation to All!!!!
Happy Birthday, Georgia.
Costa Rica? All of you? We're definitely going to need photos. And I might as well get this out of the way now, because I'm sure at some point it will need to be said...
Poor Jack
I love Hanson and "Mmmbop" too! Those little boys were so cute; I just wanted to bite all of their pretty heads off! Costa Rica sounds fun! Yeah, make sure you take lots of pictures!
i absolutely loved that video. especially the vintage drapes and hot singer's canine teeth. mmm. happy vacaton!
aaaahh, I forgot all about her love of Hanson. Priceless. Come to think of it, even as she approaches 18, her musical taste still ucksays. And T , let's just be grateful she's not going to be OTR in CR.
do you still have the "will there be cake" video?
Georgia was the most easy going of the kids (jack being next). but when ga ga blew up she had a major explosion, with kicing the wall, screaming, etc. thank goodness it only happened every six month or so. she was such a beautiful little girl, and still is.
hey mamoo,she still explodes, only now the event is laced with expletives (and yes George, I recognize that's the pot calling the kettle black). but yes she has been, relatively, easy going.
She does explode with more frequency, though. About every 28 days.
I still love Mmbob....
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