Having mastered Horse With No Name and Little Boxes, I've moved on to learning my favorite song of all time. Embedding has been disallowed, so I couldn't simply post the video. Angel From Montgomery was written by John Prine, who sings with Bonnie Raitt in this clip. Bonnie made the song famous, but John Prine's beautiful lyrics are unforgettable. Especially the third verse, which still makes me cry.
*I stole the image from an online mag I just discovered, which then led me to Tom Chambers Photography.
i'm surprised that cow/bull/? is so down with it.
I think Bianca likes that song too. When we linked to You Tube to listen, she barked and growled and abused one of her toys. Bonnie Raitt is coming to Athens next month...
By "abused," do you mean the way she abuses my leg whenever she sees me?
T, she abuses that leg of yours because she doesn't see you or your leg nearly enough. We've got to do something about that! The abuse with the toy, however, was more of a shaking-toy-in-her-mouth-hoping-its-neck-would-snap thing.
yes, one of my all time faves as well - it "almost" makes me cry everytime too - and in the car when I sing along with it, I'm really hitting those notes!
Angel from Montgomery is one of the best. songs. ever.
Thank you for posting this terrific performance. This is from a taping of Austin City Limits that I attended so I was really glad to see it again. I'm a big fan of John Prine and this is one of his best songs and a beautiful performance with Bonnie Raitt.
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