So, truth be told, Lo was at the wedding with the rest of 'em. And, unlike the rest of the kids (and unbeknownst to us), she was also in Costa Rica--hiking, horseback riding, drinking beer...
I wanted to post some pictures from our honeymoon. It's hard to believe the amount of time and life that have transpired since then. We've been through some really tough times, but also made a lot of wonderful memories, and learned plenty.
I believe I've made my way back to happy; however, whatever normal might be, it ain't us and never will be.
Here's a sample of the past--to compare with the pics we'll take next week:

We stayed in the honeymoon suite at the Sueno del Mar. It was like being in a beautiful treehouse.

We went on a seven-mile (3.5 each way) hike to the waterfall you see. We were the only two at the falls, so Biggy skinny-dipped. Nobody sees me naked in daylight.

Me and Lola having a cocktail in the hot springs at Arenal (the volcano). See the little tummy already at a mere 2 weeks.

I'd wanted to get married in Vegas, but Biggy's parents disapproved. I have to say this was the next best thing.

La Fortuna, the little town where Arenal bubbles.

In Costa Rica, they have these outdoor bars where the kids surf all day, taking breaks to drink the cerveza and nap on mats.

Dogs are everywhere.
And below are some of the reasons I'm so excited about taking Lola:

More monkeys than Grandpa's got war stories.

Frogs bigger than muskmelons.

Bugs that would scare Gary Busey.
Bonus: we can show the kids where McDonald's hamburgers come from. No lie.

so what are the burgers made of???...the cows, the bugs, or the toads. One can never tell these days.
BEAUTIFUL country. Have a great, safe, fun trip.
You had me until the giant bug. Have fun at Jurassic Park...errr...Costa Rica.
wow what a great post/adventure/first tri-mester
as for the dust jacket pic, I vote for the sun glasses, shorts and hiking boots w dogs shot
Or MAYBE I could get a decent picture now--one that's not 8 or 15 years old...
You guys are going to have a BLAST! I am jealous...Lola will be in Heaven.
happy anniversary tania and greg.
so I guess since T's gone now - we can take over this blog, colonize it, plant some crops, homestead, start our own family, have fights and shit!
M. Ru Pere, That's a great idea! Let's keep this thread going and going and going while T is gone. When she comes home and sees that she has like 40 and 50 comments here, she'll love it. Post early and post often, everyone!
yeah J-gurl, we can't be waiting for you to freshen-up your blog now, can we?
Oh, and at AWP (the one you missed where all the wild shit happened) T told me I'm her new favorite replacing you . . . sorry, just saying, that's all . . .
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