Saturday morning, we had a little time before we needed to head back to San Jose for the night, so we visited the local reptile zoo. It was awesome. They had a pet raccoon that slept on the "roof" of the butterfly garden when it wasn't rough-housing with the dogs, as well as wild pigs and the world's largest rats. Our guide was a 32-year-old Canadian herpephile, Nick, who looked about 19. He'd followed his passion to Costa Rica three weeks before and was working for a room and 4 meals a day. You could tell he was exactly where he wanted and needed to be. According to Michael, by the way, you can live on $400 a month in Costa Rica.
Well, that's enough about our trip. Back to life as normal. NOT.
If any of you haven't had enough pics of my kids or my bad hair, check out Biggy's album on the Kodak site.

You have the most gorgeous kids. What a DNA!
Hey thanks!
Man! You shoulda brought home that bigass snake!
(Can't wait to see the leezard.)
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