Past the giant red sphincter is the paradise of the Pasatiempo Hotel...
where Georgia and I enjoyed coffee by the pool the first morning...
and Sadie and George hung out in the poolside restaurant...
before heading to the beach.
There were dogs, of course.
Later, Biggy drove us up up up into the mountains until I was in a fetal position in the floorboard.
We got out of the car to take some pictures...
and monkey hunt...
and made it back to Tamarindo just in time for sunset.
holy shit I am jealous.
Costa Rica was the straw that broke this camel jockey's back to finally make a big change. Loved it.
i miss you i hope everybody is having a good time. the pictures are great. ya'll are sooo pretty, uh, jack is handsome.
tania, stella told me she wants to live with me.
Beautiful, Tania! Bjorn came by your office yesterday to see you and was grief stricken by your absense AND the lack of treats. He wants to know who the heck that OTHER dog is on the beach.
i can't even describe how jealous i am!
Pretty. I could handle this. But I've also just seen the Worst.Birthday.Ever post and I, too, would have been crying in the car with George.
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