When I let the dogs out at 6:30 this morning, I noticed some coward had, under cover of night, stepped onto OUR property--which we pay for and pay taxes on, and where we live peacefully (except for occasional temper tantrums and dog fights) and lawfully (except for an occasional illegal bonfire or odd/even watering slip)--and stolen our Obama-Biden sign. Someone small and mean, who thinks nothing of my right to freedom of speech; or someone so lacking in confidence for their own candidate that they're afraid of the power of one Obama sign to every 15 McCain-Palin banners in our neighborhood.
I jog and drive by those McPain signs every day--signs I disagree with planted by people I might not like--and as much as they distress me, I would defend to the end my neighbors' right to display them and to support whomever they choose. In fact, I wish all the McCain supporters would put signs in their yards so I'll know exactly who not to invite to all the fabulous parties I plan to have after I clean the house and Biggy finishes the new table he's building and we get the giant hole in the kitchen ceiling fixed.
As for the thief, you represent everything the GOP means to me: You're greedy, mean-spirited, ignorant, entitled, bigoted, a liar, and--of course--a cheater.
Cheat all you want, though. I've got enough signs to last till we win on Tuesday.
I'm glad you have more signs. We're opposite - almost all Obama/Biden signs and just a handful of McCain/Palin signs in our neighborhood. We (and 100,000+ other people) went to Obama rally in Denver on Sunday. We were about 100 feet from the podium with a great view of stage. Obama is so impressive and hit all the right notes in his speech, but I think the best part was the huge energized, happy and polite crowd.
Just a hunch, but I'm guessing it was our stage left neighbors. They're hard core fundamentalists and no doubt it was difficult for them to see that sign outside their windows every day. The noticed the other Obama sign in the neighborhood was left untouched so my sleuthing skills tell me it was micro-local theft.
Is that what they teach 'em in Sunday School?
You got my signs, right Biggy?
I did. And bumper stickers!!! Very convenient when the Georgia Democratic headquarters is one floor below me and Obama's Georgia headquarters is directly across the street.
We got that problem up here in the "blue" states, too....(northern Wi.& Mi.). Obviously, desperate times call for desperate measures. I have a coworker that got extra signs, and also takes'em in each night.
I like the McPain thing...it sings. I think Bill Engvall should hand these people their next sign.
host a huge Obama fundraiser in your lawn ASAP!!!!!
i cant tell you how many times i've been obamabashed thanks to the GLBT for Obama sticker on my car. then again, i cant tell you how great it feels when a complete stranger drives by me, blows their horn, and gives thumbs up or screams "OBAMA!!!"
Don't try anything crazy.
From today's Columbus Dispatch -- Ohio man accused of shooting teen over McCain sign - LEAVITTSBURG, Ohio (AP) - A teenager was wounded in the arm by a man who said he wanted to stop the boy and another from taking his John McCain yard sign, authorities said. Warren Township police Lt. Don Bishop said 50-year-old Kenneth Rowles told officers he got out a .22-caliber rifle Saturday afternoon to fire warning shots, not hurt anyone. The two shots hit the van the teens were in.
It was probably the McPain loving white trash living across the street from us (that replaced the other white trash family living there before) that did it.
gotta luv you east cobbers.
living in paulding county, i won't EVEN put a obama sign in my yard. i'm chicken.
Where is the Obama HQ offices Biggy? I need to go by and get a sticker. I've been very delinquent.
T.Ro, you should get the Gays for Obama, Christians for Obama, Teachers for Obama signs too and make a big row of them across your front yard. That would give your neighbor a stroke.
i'm gay for obama.
Pretty funny, GayNell.
Absolutely ridiculous and desperate move. BTW, loved the comments to this post - LOL.
Collin, 1080 Spring Street.
Keep stealing them. We'll make more.
Hi, Tania. Just catching up with you, via your blog. I figured you'd have a good story on this election, but geez, that's an awful way to get one!
In my neighborhood(North Point Mall area, in Alpharetta.We're North Fulton County)there are a few McCain/Palin signs, but I have noticed several Obama/Biden signs going up, and I'm thrilled. As for me, I put our sign up about nine days ago--by our HOA law, we're only permitted 12 days prior to the election to post signs.
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