Lo: I want to tell you something that happened at school today. On the playground.
Lo: Well, A and I were on the balance bean and T was standing by the fence with his back to us, looking like he was up to something. Finally we could see he was peeing. It's not the first time it's happened, either. It happened once in kindergarten. So we told him we saw, and he started crying and begging, "Waa-waaa...I had to g-o-o-o-o reeeeeeeeeeeally b-a-a-a-a-d...(snuffle, snuffle)...Ple-e-e-e-e-ease don't tell on meeeeeeeee. (sniff, snuffle, sniff)."
The PROBLEM is we had a substitute, and she said she couldn't do anything about it.
TR: So you told on him?
Lo: Uh, YEAH!
hey, rules is rules.
ah, the joys of peeing outdoors. marking one's territory, so to speak...that takes me back. wait... i still do....
but, if you are a girl it's o.k. t.t. in the yard.
No one's commenting that she's a mean little tattle-tale?
she's not a tattle-tale. She's enforcing the rules of our society. Not to mention she doesn't need to be seeing her classmates pp
all kidding aside, maybe she didn't HAVE TO tell on him. But at least she confronted the "pee perpetrator" as if to say: "public urination is unacceptable"...that's a good thing.
I'm thinking maybe she didn't have to look so closely.
Uh, that was a shitty thing for her to do. I hope she never has to go really bad. Kids are merciless when you piss or crap your pants. Remind her of that. Was that suffciently mean? ;)
Lo = red-haired hybrid of Cindy Brady & G.I. Joe
Lo could never go on a road trip with Randy and I. It's the only time I ever have penis envy.
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