Biggy and Garey left to go "off-roading" around noon yesterday, in two separate cars. My husband took Jack and his friend Tyler in the beloved FJ, so Jack could practice driving (!) and Garey let Lo ride in his prized Land Rover. (Gare, I'd like a report on the car-ride conversation, by the way.) Georgia kindly begged out to study for an AP Government test, but I didn't even feel the need to make up an excuse not to go. I DO NOT SEE THE POINT. Around 7:30, I began to worry a little and called to get their ETA:
TR: Y'all ok?
Biggy: Yeah. We're not sure about Garey's car, though. He dented the side, bent up the luggage rack, and his transmission is acting funny. We hope it makes it home.
TR: Maybe you should call a tow truck?
Biggy: Nah. Right now we're looking for a place to eat Bar-B-Q. We're just going to let it cool off and see what happens.

It was a most excellent trip. And you forgot to add Garey's flat tire to the list of his battle scars.
poor garey. since greg is the adult and led the poor child to the woods, he should help garey with repairs.
I'm not sure who the bigger child is, really, given that Greg suffers maturity retardation. And Garey was the instigator of this.
I'm tempted to quote Forest Gump with "stupid is as stupid does" but that doesn't even fit the bill here. lol
G&G - you'll have to explain the off-roading thing to me sometime. I just don't get it (except the BBQ part).
No kidding, Kath. You don't even get a workout.
Exactly. And I think you'd cover more ground hiking or biking.
based on those pics the land rover flooded its engine and if that were a new car sitting on a lot it would be set to be destroyed.
OMG that looks like A LOT of fun!!!!! I wish my lil VDub could pull that off : )
Looks like Garey needs to call the Hummer Recovery Vehicle. Nice job!!!
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