George's move-in:

Where IS that Xanax?

That's her roomie's side, on the left. The company she ordered her loft from was supposed to have it assembled and ready before she arrived, but they sent an email saying the order got held up until next week. Now they'll have to build it while she's there. Big Mistake, Guys..

Group hug.

Biggy's trying not to look too happy that her dorm, West Mary, is called Chastity Castle.

Is that Christian Rock I hear?

Of course, Lo got swag.
The window in that dorm is hella nice! It makes me want to decorate.
I totally got 2nd place in the "Move over Martha" room decorating competition when I was in college!
Holy crap. That is her doooorm? Not fair, my dorm room was a step down from a state prison ward. And my first room mate thought she was a "warlock princess." Tell that to her anytime she complains.
That is the best dorm name ever!
When I first looked at the pictures, I thought, "Ohmygod! What is T. doing in that necklace of giant puka shells??? Is this Keith Partridge redux???" Then I enlarged the shot and calmed down once I realized there was not a puka problem.
You know, Jennifer, when I first saw the pictures, I thought the same thing!
Yep, that's a cool looking dorm. I never lived in a dorm but I slept in quite a few.
WOW--everyone else has already said it... but MAN that room is awesome. My first dorm room was a converted hospital room in the old mental ward--no joke! Compliments of VCU!
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