That's the title of this image I stole from the site of Reuben Demanuele. You should check out his work.
So yesterday I had a record number of hits on my blog and yet only 4 comments--one of those from my mother. I'm wondering if my subjects bore you. If you're not inspired to say SOMETHING, even if it's only "I use toilet paper!" then I'm doing something wrong.
Today, I'm giving you an opportunity to suggest what you'd like for me to write about. Ask me a question. Throw out a topic. And if nothing, I'll see you again in a few days.
I'd like to know more about that incredibly handsome and athletic husband of yours who I also hear is a terrific father.
Nice try, Biggy.
I think you should post a video of Fay Vs. Stella, winna take all.
huh? what?
OK, I'm game. Let's hear the story of your first bike ride and how you've gone from that event to being a badass mountain biker chick. :) Ever consider getting a road bike? How about entering a... triathlon!!?? Could be fun? maybe? you're already a jogger...
my favorite posts are the everyday drama posts - laughed about the dog poop conversation you had over lunch for days... and the "I don't want a dress" post was great dinner conversation the other night...
Somehow I wasn't moved to comment on TP. Maybe a poll would motivate people - something akin to, "Do you like your TP to roll over the top or from under the bottom?" You know, audience participation...
Rock on...
more lola and faye please. or your lovely mother
What's happening with your book, your writing, etc. Share a new stanza...or old one.
My vote is to keep doing what you're doing. Loved the TP post (especially passive aggressive Mamoo). Also, love that you reference both Richway & Big Apple. How in the hell do you remember all this? My brain cells containing those two chains were gone a very long time ago.
I bet Tania also remembers Grant department stores, Zayre and Treasure Island. Oh, and Lionel Playworld.
Yes, Collin. And Woolworth's and Majik Market.
I'd like to see more posts on the dogs, skank hos, and how retarded Biggy is. Anything about going to the bathroom or throwing up would be good too.
I loved the lunch counter at Woolworth's and Majik Market always had the best candy, popcorn and icees. Ah...those happy golden years...
i love what you write! i'll try to comment more.
I like Ken's idea, but it should be Fay vs. anything that moves.
How about a post on how awesome your students are...and be specific. Especially those who have recently finished their books.
I like what you're doing, too. I'm just a bad commenter. I will do better, I promise!
I like it when you make fun of people with a perpetually cynically point of view about culture, technology,...change. Its totally refreshing. AND the family stories; its like a real life Six Feet Under or American Beauty.
To clarify...I mean refreshing compared to how most people think.
Just "Go do that voodoo that you do so well....."
In other words, just keep on keepin' on. I like your wide and varied points of vi-eeeeew! You can swing from culture to comedy in a wink of an eye. From sad to sadistic. You can praise the unsung hero with such panache, and still "rip him a new one" for being too lazy to not get himself sung. You're: "Ozzie Nelson meets Ozzy Ozborne, Joan Baez meets Joan Rivers, Will Shakespeare meets "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP"..... love it all...
If all else fails- just do more UNDERWEAR shots!!!
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