I'm trying to cut myself some slack--what with all the emotional transitions that come with children leaving home--but this morning, when Fay started finding and eating all the rock candy Lo spilled on the bathroom floor and didn't clean up, and I shut the puppy out, at which time she began whimpering and clawing relentlessly at the bathroom door, I actually caught myself saying,
"I know you think you're entitled to be in here, but you're not..."
or Judge Judy, if it doesn't stop pissing on the floor:)
Poor little Faye. You've taught her to feel entitled.
greg, i love you for all the right reasons, including your terrific sense of humor.
oops, i mean Fay.
That little dog looks like she needs her anal glands emptied. Make Biggy do it.
I have a feeling Judge Judy would like Fay.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwww...anal glands!
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